Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tohoku, Japan 5

 Ishinomaki City     March 30, 2011

 On the night of March 29, I went to say thank you to the worker at the shelter again,
then I was walking back to my car to sleep.
Suddenly this guy with a donkey came out from darkness and said "where are you going with that big backpack! "
I asked him " Where ARE you going with that donkey" in my mind.
Then, we started to talk.
I thought he was a local farmer or something but he was not.

His name is Mr. Yohane Takahashi.
He is from Shonan, Kanagawa Pref.
He drove over 300miles with his 3 horses and 1 donkey on back of his truck.

The reason why he is here in disaster area........well, I'll just show you the photos.

He owns those horses and donkey and travels shelter to shelter for kids.
He had been doing this for over a week at the time I met him.
After the disaster he asked him self is there anything only he can do for people there and the only answer was this. 

As you can easily imagine the earthquake and tsunami caused severe mental trauma to some people especially to kids.
Mr. Takahashi said that he knows those animals have power to heal people's mental.
more simply, this is a very good entertainment for kids and kids forget bad things while they are having fun!

I am so sure that they had fun because I had so much fun taking picture of them. 

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