Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tohoku, Japan 4

Ishinomaki City      March 29th 2011

 I woke up in a shelter (actually it is an elementary school now used as a shelter)
started try talk to people to collect information around the town.

I hear a good news and a not good news.
The good news was that I might not have to worry about gas any more.
A person told me it is very hard to get gas from gas stations in towns,
but go to gas stations on Tohoku-Express Way( It's a tollway ) at night,
there would be very small lines and I don't have to be anxious about me taking away local people's gas because tankers can access those gas stations easily so they have lots of gas.
The not so good news was, some people break in to cars for steeling stuffs (it started to happen after the earthquake) so it is not a good idea to leave a car in one place for long time.
As I said on previous post, I left my car 20 miles away, I had no choice but to walk 20 miles back to get my car.
aggh..... what a wast of time.

This gentle man walked up to me and said " Oh look at my town!! look how horrible it is! I wonder how long it's gonna take to restore to how it was..."  

This is by a swimming pool in a elementary school. People use its water to wash their clothe.

Have you ever seen those charactors?
It's "Kikaida" created by one of the most famous Manga creator in Japan and this Ishinomaki is known as his home town.
Photo below is his museum.

missing person posters.

Precious 9 hours has been wasted to go back and forth to get my car.
It was already dark when I get back to Ishinomaki.

But my day was not a total waste after all because I met this great person at the end of the day!

 I will talk about this donkey guy on my next blog.

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